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What People in An Area Should be Doing

People's Rights is a network of neighbors united to defend each others rights. These rights include life, liberty, and property, so naturally the people in an Area should be meeting and working together to secure these right. Here are some suggestions in how best to organize as neighbors using the People's Rights tools and network.

What People in an Area Should be Doing

People's Rights is a network of neighbors united to defend each other's rights. These rights include life, liberty, and property, so naturally the people in an Area should be meeting and working together to secure these rights. Here are some suggestions in how best to organize as neighbors using the People's Rights tools and network.

Definition You Need to Know to Understand this Article

NOD System (Neighbor Organized Defense)
A system of defense organized, implemented and staffed by the neighbors in an Area.

10 by 10 Response
A response plan where at least neighbors respond in 10 minutes, 100 neighbors respond in 100 minutes, 1000 neighbors respond in 1000 minutes and so on.

The TEN (Ten Engaged Neighbors) 
A group of ten or more people in an Area who promise and are able to physically respond (if necessary) to the defense of a person’s rights in the Area within 10 minutes until other people in the Area can show up. 

SOUND Teams (Small Organized Units of Neighbors in Defense): 

Autonomous teams of 2-12 able body men and women working together to physically defend the people in that Area. 

PSS Plan (People Supporting SOUND): 

A plan implemented in the Area to support the SOUND teams with supplies, gear, family support (in time of active defense) and other reasonable needs that each member of the SOUND teams require to practically defend the people in the Area.

Ways to Identify If Your Area is Healthy


  • There are 3-5 active Area Assistants communicating with and supporting the people in the Area. 
  • The Area Assistants are meeting with each other at least once a month (separate from the Area meetings).
  • The Area Assistants and the People in the Area are meeting together at least quarterly.
    • Socializing
    • Training
    • Planning
    • Educating
  • Messages are going out to the People in the Area through the People's Rights System at least weekly. 
    • Email 
    • Text 
    • Ham Radio Net
    • Secure Messaging
    • Newsroom Articles 
  • The People in the Area are actively getting to know, enjoy and love each other.
  • The People in the Area are working to secure their rights in the following ways: 
    • Establishing good communication with each other.
    • Putting into place a NOD system. (Neighbor Organized Defense)
    • Equipping themselves with tools needed to communicate, survive and defend.
    • Actively informing other neighbors of how to join the People's Rights network.

NOD System

(Neighbor Organized Defense)

 Each Area must develop a NOD System which will include ALL of these elements:

10 by 10 Response - A plan where 10 People will show up to defend a Person in the Area within 10 minutes at anytime and 100 people within 100 minutes. The Area Assistants should make a plan and commit as many People in the Area to respond quickly to defend a neighbor.  The objective is for at least 10 People to show up at the needed location within 10 minutes, 100 People in 100 minutes, 1000 People in 1000 minutes and so on... (Neighboring Areas can be called on if needed) (10 by 10 Response should only be used to secure a person(s) rights.

  • The TEN- Written agreements from TEN or more people in an Area, promising, that for a specified time, they will physically respond in defense with-in 10 minutes from being notified. Referred to as "THE TEN" (Ten Engaged Neighbors). All the People in the Area need to respond as soon as possible to defend their nieghbors rights, however, the TEN have committed to showing up during a certain time within 10 minutes. 

SOUND Teams (Small Organized Units of Neighbors in Defense) - Autonomous 2-12 man teams. Each Area should have multiple SOUND teams when possible. Within the SOUND team, each person should be communicating, training, preparing, equipped and working closely to build a relationship of trust with each person on the team. SOUND teams are autonomous and are not subordinate to anybody but themselves as a team. They should have established ways to receive information from the Area Assistants and be ready to act in physical defense of the people in that Area at any time. SOUND teams may or may not be part of the 10 by 10 response.

  • SOUND teams should be proficient at the following tasks:
    • Receiving communication from the Area Assistants (one way communication - SOUND teams are not subordinate to the Area Assistants or other SOUND teams unless they choose to be).
    • Working in a command structure within the team (operating as the team receives orders from a team leader choosen by the team)
    • Communicating with each other by radio, secure messaging and other means.
    • Surveilling a situation and/or geographical area and determining quickly how to physically defend a person or property.
    • Operating physically in stressful situations for hours or days. 

PSS Plan (People Supporting SOUND). All the people in the Area who are not on a SOUND team should be part of the PSS PlanIt is the responsibility of each SOUND team member to obtain his/her own gear. However, if an individual on a SOUND team does not have the means to obtain all of his/her needed gear then the People in the Area should within reason help provide that gear. Area Assists should be active in making sure the SOUND Teams have the reasonable gear, equipment & supplies needed to physically defend the People in the Area. 

  • Supporting SOUND teams during times of active defense. - When an individual of the SOUND team is actively defending the People in the Area and cannot reasonably provide for himself or his family, then the other People in the Area SHOULD provide and care for him, his family and property. The PPS Plan should include keeping the SOUND teams supplied and equipped during times of active defense. Also, proving for each team members family and necessary bills (mortgage, food, utilities, etc...).  Area Assists are responsible for communicating with the families and knowing of their needs during times when SOUND teams are in active defense.

nod-system-7646.docx (17 KB)ways-to-identify-if-your-area-is-healthy.docx (15 KB)

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