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When a People's Rights member learned of a local Cave Creek, AZ business owner receiving life threatening phone calls, the PR member implemented the SOS texting system of the People's Rights alerting the Area Assistant's who rallied the troops.

Info Jan 14, 2021 Jan 14, 2021
Share (Alt) Arizona 1, Arizona 2, Arizona 4, Arizona 5, Arizona 6, Arizona 7

On January 13th, a People's Rights member learned of a local business owner in Cave Creek (Area 1) who was receiving repeated life threatening phone calls.  Approximately two months previously this business owner had a large male customer come into his business who behaved in a threatening manner.  When asked to leave the customer refused and replied, "Make me!"  The business owner brandished a handgun and ordered him to leave.  The local police took a report and no charges were filed.

The local paper interviewed the business owner, who specializes in promoting products relating to the first and second amendments of the Constitution, but sat on the story.  They ran the story on January 12th, and on the 13th multiple threatening phone calls and texts to the business owner's phone began to stream in.  All of the threatening calls came from either Oregon or Washington states. Due to the nature of the phone calls, they are presumed to be from ANTIFA and BLM terrorists, made to terrorize a Constitution loving citizen.

Within an hour of the SOS message going out, People's Rights members began to converge on the business to show their support for the business owner's Constitutional Rights.  The business owner also received supportive text messages offering various services that may be of assistance from PR members.  Local PR members, and some an hour away, dropped everything to rush to the business man's defense.

Overall there were approximately ten People's Rights members who responded to this SOS call.  The business owner was visibly shaken and continued to receive threatening calls throughout the day.  He was provided personal safety information for himself and his family, and a safety plan was created with input from very experienced PR volunteers.  When the business owner asked what he could do when this happens again, he was advised to join PR, and taught how he could use the SOS texting system for himself.  

Every PR volunteer who responded conducted themselves in a professional manner.  In the end relationship building took place with those who responded to the SOS call and People's Rights added another member in Area 1.  This call exemplifies what PR is all about.  PR members poured love and community support into this business owner which gave him and his family the peace of mind that was needed, at a crucial time.  

"Thank you for being here.  You guys are great!  I am overwhelmed with the response by People's Rights.  I am signing myself up right now!" ~ Grateful Business Owner

UPDATE:  Maricopa County Sheriff's office notified the business owner on January 14th, they are moving forward with Assault Charges and misdemeanor trespass charges against the original customer who started the entire incident.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.  They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright." ~Psalm 20: 7- 8.

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